organization thus exist. Without delay I'm writing you to avail myself on the opportunities that your society could have that could make us happy and enrich our life.

I'm glad that this society is bom and has attained international recognition that could fight the injustices that society has accorded upon us. I thanked God that intellectual men are born on our sex who could represent our cause to work on the justification of our sexual desires.

Our country doesn't have intellectual homosexual societies. Though there are some but are keeping it for themselves. Well, it might be attributed that in our country it is not within our laws that homosexuality is an offense. In Cebu City drag becomes fashionable, participated in by less educated class. Sexual objects are not quite difficult as long as monitor ial sides are available. The attitude of society is gradually changing for there are some social quarters that we are accepted.

Happy indeed that the membership in your society doesn't regard the race, color, creed, and sexual inclination, that if I'm acceptable I am willing to be a mem ber. By so doing I might gain knowledge to combat my weakness for I always entertain gullt for being so. That from your wisdom I will leam that this aspect is far from treatment. I'm constantly worried that men are cured from the problem according to some articles but no definite pattem of treatment are given. I got light from that chapter in the book The Sixth Man on Among Friends, about that Dr. Bergler who publicized that it was curable and was branded by our group as a hoax. ! want to know more from your society. Being

an undevelop country WO haven't have any help centers, founda. tions, psychiatrist, sociologest and homosexual societies to help and rescue us from our problems. Coming from a highly developed country and from a benevolent nation, I'm appealing for some donations on the working literature and publications on homosexuality. That by knowing more truth I might generate an organization in our place and affiliate it to your own.

Hoping for your kindness and generosIty, I beg to remain Very Truly Yours Mr. S. B., Philippines.


REVIEW EDITOR: Since I have now received several notices as to my member ship being up, and after the way you poo. 26

ple treated the new Philadelphia Mattachine Society area council when they mostneeded help, and took every cent they had in their own treasury, and gave nothing In rotum. You may rest assured that I have no intention of remaining a member in such high-handod company. I shall romain with our own group here in Philadelphia, and hope for the best. We have advanced so far without your help, and ask no favors from you who are so heartless as to kick a new area council when they are down, so please do not ask me for another year's subscription. Besides had I known how we would be treated In just starting out, I would not have pald the first year's membership fee.

Even with all the explanations you have published, it was not quite fully explained to our satisfaction why, and what has happened. There is my reason for not sending you a remittance. There are others that feel the same as I do, besides me.— Mr. P. T., Pennsylvania. EDITOR'S NOTE: Many reasons have been published about the Mattachine decision to reorganize without an area council setup; foremost of these is that the Callfomia Corporation cannot assume legal and financial responsibility for distant branch offices when Society funds absolutely preclude such with wisdom for all concemod. The Mattachine Society, Inc., has never received any application for any group setup in Philadelphia, has never authorized any such group to use the Mattachine name, and has never seer. a single report of funds collected and

disbursed by any such group as may exist there. That alone shows the error of the

above writer's statement that Mattachine "took every cent they had in their own treasury," etc., etc., etc. Best wishes are extended to any properly organized and functioning group working in our field anywhere, but there is only one Mattachine Society legally incorporated and operating as such. It's office is in San Francisco, the scope of its membership and support is, national, and this is the only organization legally authorized to be called by the nome Mattachine.



REVIEW EDITOR: I represent here in Cleveland on individual who is a subscriber to your REVIEW, who now finds the need of a lawyer in your state. He asked me to write you and get from you if you will sond me, the name of a law. yor that is in your employ.

mattachine REVIEW

the victim. He discussed the question of whether in the future the American might possobly be protected from this exploita tlon and dided to meet European friends who might be interested in him for himself rather than for his pocketbook. Suggested was a system of "accreditization" from organizations in the U.S. to similar organizations in Europe. -Hadrian, N.Y.

The matter my client needs advice and assistance on is in Los Angeles County, and therefore, if you can, suggest some one in that county. Mr. S. A., Atty., Ohio. REVIEW EDITOR: I am a faithful reader of the REVIEW. I think you are doing a fine job of getting some of this Informa tion In front of the public. Heaven knows society is ignorant enough about most matters concerning the homosexual, and many of my friends (both straight and MISCELLANEOUS otherwise) have read many of my coptes.

I have been meaning to write concerning a problem of my own. It is a legal matter. Could you recommend an attorney... -Mr. D. K., Oregon.


EDITOR'S NOTE: We could and did.


REVIEW EDITOR: I teach at a University and our departmental mall is observed by too many people; I cannot have the REVIEW sent home, because I am happily married and want to remain so. So will you mall the magazine to my friend who is over 211. Mr. D., Ohio.

REVIEW EDITOR: You may be interested to leam that occasionally recently the REVIEW has been coming with the seal Unsealed. It may be that the "sweat hounds" of the post office are looking for their favorite fare but it looks to me that this may be a warning that "Big Brother" is on the alert and has my number.-Mr. H. A., New York.

EDITOR'S NOTE: In very small locallties, regular "plain envelope" mail might cause a postoffice to be curious; howover this is doubtful in a big city. Wo attempt to seal all envelopes carefully. Sometimes a shipment is received with faulty glue. Modern mall handling methods can often break this seal unintentionally. No postal complaints have ever come in about Mattachine REVIEW during the seven full years of our existence. If anyone ever suspects that his mall is being opened, then we suggest a 'complaint to the postal department; their job is to deliver the mail so you alone can read it.



REVIEW EDITOR: On a recent visit to Zurich I discussed with the editor of DER KREIS the deplorable Increase of com mercialism in the gay bars of Europe, of which the traveling American is usually


REVIEW EDITOR: During the past year or so I have read with great interest many of the articles, reports, etc. published by the REVIEW, and it is my considered o pinion that your Society is making a valuable contribution towards a more enlightened attitude on the part of the more Intelligent section of the North American public to whathas previously been thought of as a more or less closed book.

One suggestion I might have to make is that in organising Institutes, seminars, etc., it would be a very pleasant gesture if the vacation periods of Canadian residents could be taken into account, so that those of us who are keenly interested in the work of the Society might sometimes be able to attend such meetings. For example, observation of such public holi days as Easter is rather longer in Canada than it is in the United States, so that it would be possible for us to be present at meetings held at such times, whereas meetings organised during the early part of the year are normally out of the question. Mr. J. F., British Columbia

REVIEW EDITOR: Thank you for the informative reading material sent me. It was very enlightening and has helped me a great deal toward understanding this problem.—Miss B. H., Califomia. REVIEW EDITOR: I leamed of your org. anization and its aims through The Indapendent which I take, along with your address. When in the month is your magozine Issued?-Mr. J. R., Maino. EDITOR'S REPLY: The REVIEW generally goes into the mall between the 8th and 15th of each month.

REVIEW EDITOR: You may want to call to the attention of your readers, an article in the November 7th Look, titled "The Creative Child," deploring the rob otizing of human beings and telling of some constructive steps actually being taken now.Miss M. W., Connecticut.